Welcome to the brand repository of the open knowledge foundation. He has over 10 years experience running projects across a wide range of technology, arts and communications projects. The opendatahk is an open, participative, volunteerrun group of hong kong citizens who support open data, founded in march 20. Open data hong kong discoverable, unconditional, structured. Icons displayed on our pages are licensed from the noun project under a creative commons attribution 3. But our universities are often letting us down, and they are not teaching us the knowledge, tools and skills we need to do research effectively in the 21st century. Keepass password safe is a free, open source, lightweight, and easytouse password manager for windows, linux and mac os x, with ports for android, iphoneipad and other mobile devices. Creating an open source program the linux foundation. It works like github except better and its not owned by microsoft. Open knowledge foundation coding standards this document outlines coding standards for use at open knowledge foundation. More than 50 million people use github to discover, fork, and contribute to over 100 million projects. It is built using jekyll, a static site generator, and hosted on github pages.
Uk government releases open data white paper and new data. A paper acquisition tool written in node that can automatically download all open papers matching a given query from popular literature repositories like europepmc. Open knowledge foundation, 8690 paul street, london, ec2a 4ne, united kingdom wed love to discuss potential open knowledge projects with you. It can be used by anyone but is especially useful for those working with government data. Oct 15, 2019 apache spark is a generalpurpose distributed processing engine for analytics over large data sets typically terabytes or petabytes of data. Jun 11, 2018 some open source adherents werent happy about microsoft snapping up github, the worlds most popular codehosting repository, but the linux foundation reckons its a win for open source. In deze repository vind je een selectie van interessante landelijke open geo datasets. Unless otherwise stated, the contents of this website are licensed under creative commons 3. We dramatically increase the visibility of research findings for science and society alike. Open knowledge foundation open knowledge foundation blog.
If you are interested in supporting open knowledge international, or have any questions about our funding, please contact pavel richter, our ceo. Welcome to the home of the open knowledge foundation s working group on open product data. You can contribute by addressing some of the items on the projects github issue queue hint. Open data hong kong is a open knowledge foundation local initiative since may 20.
Jo barratt is a delivery manager and product team lead at open knowledge foundation. City of alameda, cabuilding permits inspection history. Open windows foundation is a usregistered 501c3 nonprofit organization focusing on youth education and programming in san miguel duenas, guatemala. This course is designed to be a comprehensive, stepbystep approach to learning the git source control specifically designed for windows users, which means no prior knowledge or experience is required but students will emerge at the end with a very solid understanding and handson experience with git and related source control concepts. It also supported the development of the open database license odbl. The worlds largest open source foundation is now on github.
Open data are the building blocks of open knowledge. Open knowledge maps is the worlds largest visual search engine for scientific knowledge. Presented by admas kanyagia, senior director of social impact, github catherine stihler, ceo, open knowledge foundation hong phuc dang, founder, fossasia as. Unless otherwise noted, all content on openknowledgemaps. The open knowledge foundation is a global not for profit organisation campaigning for a fair, free and open future. An open source program office is designed to be the center of the universe for a companys open source operations and structure, helping to bring all the. It is curated by a group of leading open data experts from around the world including representatives from local, regional and national governments, international organisations such as the world bank, and numerous ngos. Prior to joining open knowledge foundation in 2016, he was an icfj knight international journalism fellow with code for africa, working on datadriven projects across subsaharan africa. Accela offers expertise from leaders in the open data community who have experience leading successful open data programs from within government agencies.
He previously founded a civic technology company in rwanda, was head of digital projects for the uk parliament and worked as an executive producer for the. Open knowledge foundation has produced the open knowledge definition, an attempt to clarify some of the ambiguity surrounding the terminology of openness, as well as the open software service definition. Git and github for data open knowledge foundation blog. In july 2014, the open knowledge foundation germany launched code for germany. Github is home to over 50 million developers working together. This work is licensed under a creative commons attribution 4. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading a practical guide to git and github for windows users. There are 2 types of functionality within data converters. Jul 02, 20 at the open knowledge foundation we built a system along the lines of 2 and been involved in exploring and researching both 2 and 3 see changes and syncing for data on on. We presented the project to the media, to our international partners, to friends, city representatives and to members of our advisory board in advance of the ok festival in berlin. It is a living document, and we encourage pull request and issues to improve on or contest ideas as expressed. With so many passwords to remember and the need to vary passwords to protect your valuable data, its nice to have keepass to manage your passwords in a. Open knowledge foundation okf is a global, nonprofit network that promotes and shares.
Net for apache spark, the free, open source, and crossplatform. Open knowledge foundation launches code for germany. And it has windows specific improvements at all times that will be slowly contributed back to the git project. Collective knowledge extension with unified and customizable benchmarks with extensible json meta information to be easily integrated with customizable and portable collective knowledge workflows.
Openst foundation builds protocols for adding value to any action on the web openst foundation. Global policies are emerging at different levels that include some aspect of open research, open scholarship, or open science, and inclusive of all research disciplines. Join them to grow your own development teams, manage permissions, and collaborate on projects. The white paper also explores the way in which open data can unlock economic potential by stimulating the creation of new tools and services. Download it once and read it on your kindle device, pc, phones or tablets. Free open source windows knowledge management software. It discusses the why, what and how of open data why to go open, what open is, and the how to do open. Open knowledge foundation is an active partner with organisations working in similar areas, such as open educational resources. So no, the application is not open source, but keep a look out for some parts of it being published on github. Fill in the form below and well get back to you as soon as possible. Oct 05, 2018 were extremely excited today to open source infer.
Since 2018 shes part of the team at open knowledge foundation germany in berlin. Rufus pollock is founder and president of open knowledge. The engine github uses to accomplish this is jekyll, a simple, static, blogaware, site generator, but it also. The open definition gives full details on the requirements for open data and content. This is a basic introduction to using github pages and jekyll to host a web page. Project space of the sunlight foundation with a huge amount of hosted projects under an open source software. Open knowledge foundation launches code for germany project. This entity relation diagram shows the structure of data, distinguishing parts of the core open referral standard used from extensions introduced for open community. Previously a journalist, jo has written for and produced audio for international publishing and broadcast organisations and is the producer of. A free open data solution, civicdata enables agencies to unlock the value of open data without digging into their budgets.
You can easily compile and run these benchmarks using different compilers, environments, hardware and os linux, macos, windows, android. This book is an interactive, fun and practical guide to install, configure and use git and github on the windows platform. Open knowledge foundation deutschland, berlin, germany. The git for windows open source project on open hub. By creating an open source program office, businesses can enable, streamline and organize the use of open source in ways that tie it directly to a companys longterm business plans. Thanks to generous support from key funders, the open knowledge foundation was able to support the running of more than 60 of these events via our minigrants scheme this blogpost is a report by amy evans. Data structure the opencommunity standard is defined here in json format compliant with the open knowledge foundation s tabular data package format. Our mission is to create a more open world a world where all nonpersonal information is open, free for everyone to use, build on and share.
The core knowledge foundation provides open access to contentrich curriculum materials for preschool through grade 8, including the core knowledge curriculum series, with many materials now available and many more in development how to get your free resources. Since 2009 stefan wehrmeyer promotes open data and he started the freedom of information foi portal in 2011. Imagine a database containing all the commercialised products in the world. Git for windows is both a friendly fork of git as well as a binary windows only distribution of git plus additional components required to run git. Open knowledge foundation germany has 145 repositories available. If you would like to know more about how we operate, take a look at our governance page if you would like to make a donation to support our work, you can do so here, thank you. A parse function takes a given input stream and returns python objects in a given structure.
City of alameda, cabuilding permits inspection history city of alameda, cabuilding permits inspection history. A community project working to build a public database of product data. Net on github under the permissive mit license for free use in commercial applications. Net support for the popular open source big data analytics framework, you can now add the power of apache spark to your big data. How companies can make the most from open source zdnet. The open knowledge foundation is a global notforprofit organisation campaigning for a fair, free and open future. Open knowledge maps we are a charitable nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the visibility of scientific knowledge for science and society. A practical guide to git and github for windows users. Since its inception in 2004, the open knowledge foundation has been investing in technology, training, policy and research to pioneer openness in new areas. Some open source adherents werent happy about microsoft snapping up github, the worlds most popular codehosting repository, but the linux foundation reckons its a win for open source. From beginner to expert in easy stepbystep exercises kindle edition by vormittag, roberto. Its software projects are hosted on github, which utilises the git version control software.
When we brought linux to windows microsoft open source. It was a pleasure for us to welcome partners, supporters, and members of the program on stage. We have played a central role in creating and driving forward open knowledge and open data around the world. Recognising the need for a unique and standard identifier for brands, we have developed this brand repository and brand manager. And while all the data and a readme is available and the r code allows you to download the data through the r console a perfect setting to reproduce the analysis, the reuse of the data is questionable. Apache software foundation completes migration of 350. The open knowledge foundation and the sunlight foundation are teaming up to convene a new global group on lobbying transparency.
The handbook introduces you to the legal, social and technical aspects of open data. Open knowledge is what open data becomes when its useful, usable and used. The ability to do revisioning and versioning data store changes made and share them with others especially in a distributed way would be a. Use of the names okf, okfn, open knowledge, open knowledge international, open knowledge foundation, ckan, openspending, school of data and project, organisation and site logos are not covered by this licence. Raising visibility of women and the lgbt community in. Content on this site, made by open knowledge foundation, is licensed under a creative commons attribution 4.
On saturday 7th march 2020, the tenth open data day took place with people around the world organising over 300 events to celebrate, promote and spread the use of open data. The center was founded in 2001 by ericka kaplan, jean uelmen, and teresa quinonez and now serves over 1,000 members of the duenas community. Refer to our attributions page for attributions of other work on the site. Grow your team on github github is home to over 40 million developers working together. It will take you from beginner to expert level through a series of engaging exercises to help you quickly acquire the skills needed to effectively use todays most popular version control system and open source code repository. Nov 14, 2019 github has unveiled the arctic code vault, a new project to archive the planets open source software and ensure its usable in a future world that may not have the machines or knowledge to read it. Sep 11, 2017 how companies can make the most from open source. Combating other peoples data open knowledge foundation blog. As we polish up more and more of those libraries, well release more components we used to make the app.
Data converter library and tool open knowledge foundation. Sign up for your own profile on github, the best place to host code, manage projects, and build software alongside 50. Welcome to the home of the open knowledge foundations working group on open product data. Grow your team on github github is home to over 50 million developers working together. Open knowledge maps a visual interface to the worlds. Github pages contentmine installation instructions. Refer to our attributions page for attributions of. We want civil society organisations, journalists and citizens around the world to be able to use information about lobbying to understand and report on the influence of big money on politics and to push for. Open referral uk data standard porismjamesdavidson.
Our team at microsoft research in cambridge, uk embarked on developing the framework back in 2004. Open source and open knowledge data and content licenses together with api and web service. All the current guides are available on github and the linux foundation. I pasted the raw github link to my data on the provided. Net represents the culmination of a long and ambitious journey. The open knowledge foundation is a notforprofit organisation.
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